Long View Project

What do we want in 2050?

Many of us are deeply concerned about where the planet is headed and the legacy we are creating for our children and future generations.

This program is for organisations — and the individuals, teams and communities within them — who want to face these concerns and collaborate to make a difference.

  • Climate change, environmental degradation, rising inequality are but a few of the unprecedented challenges facing the global community
  • The complexity of the solutions and the dynamics of how individuals, organisations and communities interact require new levels of understanding and leadership skills.
  • Only by learning and taking action together can we sustain and regenerate the world that we and future generations live in.

Program Details:

You will learn more about and take action on…

  • Real current and future threats from disruptive change
  • Case studies of the world’s most-successful initiatives
  • Sustainability frameworks and cradle-to-grave design
  • Economic, social and political impacts
  • Innovation, leading change and systemic problem-solving.

Program Dates

Contact us for details

How we can work with you

  • Leadership

    Grow leaders who understand, engage & inspire people.

  • Teamwork

    Build high performance teams that are great places to work.

  • Sustainable Change

    Create an adaptive people-centred change ready culture.

  • Vision & Strategy

    Facilitating shared understanding for a preferred future.