Learning from the Bushfires

This community conversation sponsored by SouthCoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) provided an opportunity to discuss and learn from the recent and ongoing fire catastrophe that has impacted the South Coast of NSW.

More than 50 people came along to tell stories, share ideas and knowledge and most importantly just connect. We explored what worked well, lessons learnt, and what we can do better next time, and how, as a community, we can build resilience and capability into the future.

This is important and ongoing work and we look forward to helping host future conversations.

Steve & Mark

Climate Emergency

Black cockatoos are constant companions in my bit of the south coast at the moment. They are flying in regularly to access water from our neighbours birdbaths and maybe to seek some solace from the incredibly smoky fire conditions that are threatening us.

Incredibly our local council feels there is no need to declare a climate emergency. Yet for much of the past two weeks fire has blocked parts of the Princes Highway and the Kings Highway from Canberra. It looks and feels like armageddon!

The lack of political leadership to confront climate chaos is stunning! In our 30 plus years of leadership development, we know that when emergencies happen true leadership shows up. Something we are only seeing at the community and individual level.

Ironically it has taken 16-year-old Greta Thunberg to help show the way!

Climate Emergency Rally

Mark and myself recently attended the Climate Emergency Rally in Canberra. A stunning display of young people standing up and leading for the greater good. “When the adults won’t lead we have no choice ” was a consistent theme. All inspired by 16 year old Greta Thunberg who started her own school strike outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018. Well worth watching her TED talk.

Milparanga – leading for the greater good

Wet and windy weather on Bruny Island Tasmania didn’t dampen the enthusiasm for engaging in powerful and different conversations as part of the Milparanga program. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants came from across Australia with the aim of focusing on building their leadership, governance and decision-making capabilities. Serious fun and a lot of learning for everyone involved.

Bruny Island – Lunawanna-allonah

For information on the program go to the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation

Groundwork and Graphic Facilitation training in Canberra Feb 2019

I warmly invite you to join me in a world leading training that underpins the Art of Hosting practice, in the Parliamentary Triangle in Canberra in Feb 2019. We believe these workshops will be particularly useful for people in or working with organisations or groups where collaboration and inclusive communication are espoused but the practice falls short.

The training is experiential and gives you multiple experiences of how to build cultures of collaboration and engagement when organising your projects. I recommend doing this training together with your work colleagues and bring a current challenge to work on. Continue reading “Groundwork and Graphic Facilitation training in Canberra Feb 2019”

Sacred Leadership story telling at the Art Gallery of New South Wales

They lead transformation. Great Australian stories of leadership to open possibilities for these times. Moving from the personal practice of a mechanistic, separate, western mind to an emergent, connected, creative mind. An Australian system to create sacred eldership. Peace is your natural state.

Tjanara’s presentation [49mins] on her PhD and cultural knowledge at the Art Gallery of New South Wales on 19 June 2018. We also had a deeper conversation with the audience and a workshop on our leadership practice after lunch. This video link is available at Tjanara’s OneINMA Global website.

My friend Lina Mbirkou’s reflections on the day

Daniel Browning interviewing Tjanara on ABC RN 4 days before the event

Dadirri – Inner Deep Listening and Quiet Still Awareness

Tjanara’s presentations on her academic publications website