Quotes /Ideas to use

Participant Quotes

“Change is very difficult. Through personal work and mindfulness practice I can sit with the messiness of change and help my team sit with change as well. On the program we watched a DVD of a group working on a task. I watched them working in chaos and getting more stressed and I could feel myself getting tense. Now a year later I can sit with this tension, be with it and go through it. I’ve learnt that it’s just a process. I wouldn’t have been able to do this before the program. The program has brought out a lot of concepts and ideas and forced me to think about things that I hadn’t thought about much. Work has come to life for me.”  Leadership program participant

Over some 30 years I have been part of various Management/leadership courses, but this one, the NMLP stood way above any other. I walked away from it with great confidence that I will be able to change my thinking and actions where required, and that I will move towards building. a good team from the many scattered souls I have working to me.  Senior leader

“For me it was a dream come true. It was truly amazing feeling and was evident across the room, that at long last the barriers had been broken down”  Participant – Team Development program

Your teaching, the theory intermingled with the practical, your absolute support and trust, allowed me and my colleagues to share things we would never have thought of doing with close friends.



“The real question is what can you do on Monday, what can you do on Monday six weeks from now and six months from now, and what reinforcement mechanisms are needed to really build a set of new habits.” Leo Burke

I can’t convince you to be a leader by showing you a PowerPoint deck. But I can give you the confidence that you are a leader by giving some experiences where it comes out better than you thought and you were the leader. David Kelley Ideo

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust

you can’t stop the waves but you can learn to safe John Kabat-Zin

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The natural step website

We are a leading partner for organisations ready to address humanities grand challenges to create a better future. We enable decision makers to manage complexity, define their future position and seize opportunities for short and long term success.


Our programs are designed to facilitate change, build future-fit organisations, and collaborate towards breakthrough results for systems-level shifts. A shared understanding of our challenges and where we need to go, create the conditions for real transformation in society.

Covision provides interactive meeting technology and software for large group meetings across the united states and internationally. Large group meetings can use Covision’s interactive meeting technology for meetings of all sizes. Covision works with organizations to manage and operate more efficient meetings through their interactive meeting technology on Ipads, tablets, cell phones, and computers. Find out more about interactive meeting software from a Covision Meeting Consultant.

How we can work with you

  • Leadership

    Grow leaders who understand, engage & inspire people.

  • Teamwork

    Build high performance teams that are great places to work.

  • Sustainable Change

    Create an adaptive people-centred change ready culture.

  • Vision & Strategy

    Facilitating shared understanding for a preferred future.