This is some of the learning insights from a research project sponsored by the NED Foundation since 2018 where Mark had conversations with over 60 restorative practitioners across Australia and internationally to explore the learning edges of their restorative practice and what insights they have in strengthening restorative practice across Australia.
The RJWorld eConference 22-31 August 2020 was hosted at
This presentation describes a continuum of restorative practice from Violence to Regeneration using 7 stages of transition. Each stage is described in terms of the behaviours observed by the people involved.
In an organisation aiming to deliver and model restorative practice the capabilities of staff are described at three different levels in the organisation: Front line staff / Supervisor / Executive leader
Using this continuum as the X axis, a matrix is demonstrated with the players in the system, of people and organisations interacting in the world, as the Y axis. These five players are:
– Client/ Community member
– Front line staff
– Supervisor
– Executive leader
– Inter-organisation dynamics
This matrix is intended to be a useful tool for practitioners to restoratively discuss the system dynamics at work to help make their restorative practice and inter-organisation collaboration more conscious and effective.
pdf of Slides RP Continuum RJ Conference 2020
Conference presentation – Restorative Practice Continuum Mark Spain Aug2020 [52mins]
How to participate
You can add your ideas here to the creative commons, open source Continuum of Restorative Practice. Please add your comments (and name, if you wish) at the end of the document to keep it easy to read for others and we will include your contributions as we revise it. You can also use and build on this work using the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence.