Design principles for great meetings

Here’s Global Learning’s seven key design principles for great meetings. Forget Powerpoint, whiteboards and butcher’s paper! Go for engagement, collaboration and alignment.

  1. Agree on what success should look like: What are we trying to accomplish? How should we go about it? How will we know we have been successful?
  2.  To get the right results, invite the right people: Avoid political correctness: get the people that really matter involved.
  3. If you want innovation — don’t just talk about it: Make the program a role model for a new way of working together — innovation in practice.
  4. Choose spaces that inspire: Environments are both physical and mental. If you need creativity and innovation, choose spaces that foster that spirit. Programs in nature change people’s thinking and emotions.
  5. To make it work, keep it real: Have fun, but keep your focus on real challenges. People are busy: they want solutions to these challenges.
  6. Don’t try to do too much: Create space and time for issues to emerge: slow down to reach focused reflection. Work efficiently but don’t be driven by the agenda. Respond to energy rather than content.
  7. What gets measured, gets attention: Sustainable change occurs through focus on the issues, and clear outcomes and follow-up actions.

Have a meeting coming up that needs to be great:  then be in touch!

Information from News / April 3, 2017

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