About imeetglobal

Let’s say you have gathered 100 of your key people to work together for a day on developing some new organisational strategies and business plans.

Our pre-meeting work with you would involve clearly defining the key business outcomes and deliverables needed from the meeting, and putting together a process that integrates small group work, large group discussion and presentations. As part of the service, we create a tailor-made secure website for your event, and this can kick-off any pre-meeting work including documents for review. We can also ensure that people who wish to be part of the event but can’t attend in person, can be included.

On the day of the event, we provide all of the meeting technology, and as needed, facilitate and work with you to present the relevant issues, questions or topics to be discussed. We use our expertise to manage the flow of the meeting and to ensure maximum engagement and contribution.

Table groups discuss and agree key responses, which are quickly contributed to the imeetglobal forum. All ideas can be made visible to all for discussion, consolidation, sorting, ranking and voting on as needed. It may be that the information garnered is needed to inform the decision-making in future or the event is for decisions to be made immediately and action plans to be completed. At any time, groups can work in parallel on separate topics or actions. Work gets done in real time quickly and efficiently.

The true value of imeetglobal is demonstrated at the conclusion, with all the contributions captured, documented and instantly available. Nice work!

What people have said about imeetglobal meetings:


Interested? Contact Global Learning for a test drive

[Link to imeet white paper]

Engage the power of many.

Meetings in many organisations are often slow, hierarchical and political.  People disengage, the usual voices dominate and egos rather than ideas are in play. Creativity and innovation are lost and we all lose. There is a better way to meet….

Digital meeting technology brings an interactivity that gives everyone a voice, surfaces ideas rather than egos and utilises the knowledge in the group. The result: is an elegantly powerful meeting process that enables you to go quicker, deeper and further on the things that matter in your business. Good ideas and good decisions understood by all.

Imagine a meeting where small groups can discuss and agree on responses to key issues or questions and then contribute their ideas through networked iPads . These ideas become instantly available for all to see. Sort, categorise, rank or vote on these ideas as needed. It is like electronic butcher’s paper!

As key issues emerge action plans can be prepared and shared for discussion and fine tuning. The work gets done during the meeting, rather than taking the often protracted journey involved with other methods.

At the end of the workshop all the data captured is available in hard or soft copy.  For many organisations the time saving and quality of input and output provides a remarkable return on investment. More done in less time

“It is the first time I have experienced ..iMEET!.. and I was very impressed with the amount of information that could be shared and presented in a brief period of time and the high level of participation it provided. I guess it was the immediacy that was so powerful.”

Interested in a conversation about transforming your next meeting then contact us.


We achieved in three days what would have taken us three months”

“Fantastic! The immediate feedback and access to other groups’ responses meant the recording could keep up the pace with the conversation”

“Getting direct and speedy feedback on the groups’ input was very effective and resulted in a time- efficient exercise”

“The process…was really energising… and it illustrated for me the effect IT can have on thinking processes in a small group”

“It is the first time I have experienced ..iMEET!.. and I was very impressed with the amount of information that could be shared and presented in a brief period of time and the high level of participation it provided. I guess it was the immediacy that was so powerful.”

“The iMEET! experience… valued all the thinking in the room and directed the discussion and input/output.”

“The iMEET! process… demonstrated the power of technology and its place in moving the agenda forward with good use of time”

How we can work with you

  • Leadership

    Grow leaders who understand, engage & inspire people.

  • Teamwork

    Build high performance teams that are great places to work.

  • Sustainable Change

    Create an adaptive people-centred change ready culture.

  • Vision & Strategy

    Facilitating shared understanding for a preferred future.